Ana mafhemtech 3leh illi tal3eb m3ah be Six Samurai wejhou yet9leb :/
Gateway et Shi En ma3adech à 3, we a5er marra tf9edt, les Six Sams mahoumch Tier 1.
el3bed 9a3det fi m5a5hom el image mta3 "Six Sams are Broken" awel ma habtet "Storm of Ragnarok".
and the Rage Quits on DN... 5alini saket 5iirr...
S7i7 1st Turn "Shi En" y9ale9, mais avec une bonne gestion des ressources, tnajem tet5aless mennou facilement puisque il est vulnérable aux effets monstres.
Par Exemple, Chaos Dragons ya3ffsou 3la "Shi En" b2asshel maykoun.
Bon, noslou taw lé Decklist mte3i :D

I Know, Need a Third Kizan >_<
Bon, kima la7ethtou mn les articles elli habethom 9bal hatha, i adore Control Based Decks (OTK DECKS SUCK!!). i do enjoy Aggro, used to play them a long time ago... Back to the Subject ;)
1st Turn Shi En + Naturia Beast + Good Backrow = GAME!!
It's a Fact!!!
We kan 5lat to5rej menha esituation hethi, Chapeau :D
Comments and Suggestions are very Much Appreciated ^__^
As much as I feel happy to see a tunisian ygo article, I sadly found it very chaotic. To even make an article about rage quits and include a decklist within it without explaining the strategy and without discussing each card and why it is there... I can see you're not a newbie but rather know your stuff but when it comes to articles you need to try and learn the norms. I am not sure if you hade a KCVDS experience but there articles about decks were awesome on the new site. Not speaking about shiek pojo ygotcg sites and forums...
RépondreSupprimerI hope my criticism didn't sound harsh, your efforts are really respectable but the way you wrote the article wasn't professional enough this time. Else I deeply enjoy the tunisian language and I hope for a good continuation :)
Thank You for your Constructive Criticism :D
RépondreSupprimerWell, This is my first experience in Blogging.
Trying to get our community connected to every famous Social Media.
Yes, My thoughts are sometime randomized (i admit that ^^') but i like to write what i really feel about something and what comes to my Mind at that particular Moment
Hopefully, My writing Skills will improve in Time ^__^